If your business involves driving, commercial auto insurance is a necessity. Exactly what type of coverage you need and how much you'll have to pay depends on what type of business you're in and how you operate. Here are a few determining factors that will affect your commercial auto insurance rates.
Your Personal Driving Record
When you apply for commercial auto insurance, the insurance company will consider your personal driving record.
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Components Of An Auto Insurance
Car insurance usually protects your vehicle against collision damage. However, each insurance policy offers unique coverage that you must understand before purchasing auto insurance. But, this shouldn't confuse you as all car insurance policies have essential components. Here are the significant components of vehicle insurance.
Liability Coverage
Liability coverage includes the following:
Bodily injury coverage. This covers the injuries you cause to another person due to a collision. Property damage coverage.
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Are You Without Homeowners Insurance? Here Are Problems You Could Face
Owning a home is a significant milestone for many people. However, it comes with its fair share of challenges. For instance, many people overlook possible calamities and the losses they can cause on their properties.
While disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and wildfires are rare, they can cause extensive damage to your home. Luckily, you can evade the cost by getting homeowners insurance. Read on to learn some of the problems you are likely to run into without this insurance coverage.
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Reasons Why You May Need To Carry SR-22 Insurance
Every state requires drivers to carry the minimum amount of coverage on their vehicles. Drivers who are pulled over or in accidents may be required to show proof of this coverage when law enforcement asks for it.
When you are found to be without it, you could lose your driving privileges if you fail to get insurance before taking to the road again. The municipal court judge assigned to your case may demand that you submit proof of SR-22 insurance to the state if you want to keep your driver's license.
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